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Page history last edited by ferventcoder 13 years, 9 months ago

Frequently Asked Questions


What is UppercuT? UppercuT is how you get to a professional automated build fast because it is convention driven. Right now it is based as templated NAnt with conventions. What makes it powerful is that you can customize the build when you need to. And upgrades are easy. How long would it take you to upgrade 30 builds using a homegrown solution? I can tell you how long it would take with UppercuT. As fast as you can drop in the latest files.


What is different about UppercuT as compared to other frameworks? It's a conventional build, so most of the steps are already prescribed. Plus it upgrades YOUR builds faster than any other build framework hands down.  Check this out: http://www.lostechies.com/blogs/derickbailey/archive/2010/05/10/build-tools-for-net-systems-it-s-no-longer-a-question-of-features.aspx


How mature is UppercuT? UppercuT and the ideas behind UppercuT are actively being used in over 100 projects as of March 2010. The ideas behind it are not new, they are tried and tested ideas.


Why another build framework? UppercuT is not another build framework. It takes the ideas from everything you and others have done in the past and puts that into a set of scripts that will automatically apply those ideas.  It also becomes a very easy interface for you to use and apply to any project.  You can pick up the scripts and apply them to another project and have an automated build in five minutes.


I already have a build framework in place, why should I use yours? If you already have a build framework in place, that is no reason to switch.  If you want more functionality than you may already have, like readying your build output for deployment, or zipping up your deploying files, or an easier way to run your unit tests and see the results, you may want to take a look at UppercuT.  Plus, it's super simple to get set up to run UppercuT (what is your solution name? What is the path to your repository? What's your company name? That's really all of the questions you need to answer).


I don't use MbUnit (or NUnit), SVN, and CC.NET (or TeamCity). When will you have support for my source control (TFS, VSS, Git, Vault), my test framework (xUnit), or my Continous Integration Server (Hudson)? We are actively working on adding support for these and have a lab environment setup where we can test all of these ideas to get it right before we release. We are also very happy to accept patches.  The source is at http://uppercut.googlecode.com/svn/trunk


Why should I use your framework if you don't have support for my source control or X? Just because we don't have support for your version of source control only means you won't be able to take advantage of versionBuilder. That is no reason to miss out on all of the other great features of UppercuT. And the more support for another framework that comes in, the faster we would add support for your framework. Get involved! Ask and we can be agile enough to accomodate your needs.


Is there a way to get updates about the project? http://feeds2.feedburner.com/project_uppercut You can even subscribe by email if you want.


I'm convinced!! Where do I get it? http://code.google.com/p/uppercut/downloads/list



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